For an up-to-date list, please visit our Google Scholar or ResearchGate pages
For an up-to-date list, please visit our Google Scholar or ResearchGate pages
Lauren A. Stanton, Carissa Cooley-Ackermann, Emily C. Davis, Rachel E. Fanelli, and Sarah Benson-Amram. 2024. Wild raccoons demonstrate flexibility and individuality in innovative problem-solving. Proceedings B. (pdf)
Benson-Amram, S., Griebling, H.J. & Sluka, C.M. 2023. The current state of carnivore cognition. Animal Cognition. (pdf)
Stanton, L.A., Bridge, E.S., Huizinga, J., Benson-Amram, S. 2022. Environmental, individual and social traits of free-ranging raccoons influence performance in cognitive testing. Journal of Experimental Biology. (doi)
Griebling, H. J., Sluka, C. M., Stanton, L. A., Barrett, L. P., Bastos, J. B., & Benson-Amram, S. 2022. How technology can advance the study of animal cognition in the wild. Current Opinion in Behavioral Sciences. (doi)
Jacob, J., Kent, M., Benson-Amram, S., Herculano-Houzel, S., Raghanti, M.A., Ploppert, E., Drake, J., Miller, A., Hindi, B., Natale, N., Daniels, S., Fanelli, R., Landis, T., Gilbert, A., Johnson, S., Lai, A., Hyer, M., Rzucidlo, A., Anchor, C., Gehrt, S. and K. Lambert. 2021. Cytoarchitectural characteristics associated with cognitive flexibility in raccoons. Journal of Comparative Neurology. (pdf)
Barrett, L. and S. Benson-Amram. 2021. Multiple assessments of personality and problem-solving performance in captive Asian and African bush elephants. Journal of Comparative Psychology. (pdf)
Stanton, L., Bridge, E., Huizinga, J., Johnson, S., Young, J., and S. Benson-Amram. 2020. Variation in reversal learning by three generalist mesocarnivores. Animal Cognition. (pdf)
Barrett, L. and S. Benson-Amram. 2020. Can Asian elephants use water as a tool in the floating object task? Animal Behavior and Cognition, 7(3), 310-326 (pdf)
Johnson-Ulrich, L., Benson-Amram, S., and K. Holekamp. 2019. Fitness consequences of innovation in spotted hyenas. An invited submission for a research topic entitled “Links between cognition and fitness: mechanisms and constraints in the wild” in Frontiers in Ecology and Evolution (pdf)
Daniels, S.E., Fanelli, R.E., Gibert, A., Benson-Amram, S. February 2019. Behavioral flexibility in a generalist carnivore . Animal Cognition (pdf)
Barrett, L.P., Stanton, L., Benson-Amram, S. 2018. The cognition of 'nuisance' species. Animal Behaviour. Special Issue: Cognitive Ecology (pdf)
Benson-Amram S., Gilfillan, G., McComb, K. 2018. Numerical Assessment in the Wild: Insights from Social Carnivores. Philos Trans R Soc Lond B Biol Sci. (pdf)
Benson-Amram, S., Dantzer, B. , Stricker, G. , Swanson, E.M., Holekamp, K.E. 2016. Brain size predicts problem-solving ability in mammalian carnivores. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, 113(9), 2532-2537 (pdf), (pdf)
Holekamp, K.E., Dantzer, B., Stricker, G.M., Shaw, Yoshida K.C., and Benson-Amram, S. 2015. Brains, brawn and sociality: a hyaena's tale. Animal Behavior, 103, 237-248 (pdf)
Benson-Amram, S., Heinen, V.K., Gessner, A., Weldele, M.L., and Holekamp, K.E. 2014. Limited social learning of a novel technical problem by spotted hyenas. Behavioural Processes, 109, 111-120 (pdf)
Benson-Amram, S., Weldele, M.L. , Holekamp, K.E. 2013. A comparison of problem-solving abilities between wild and captive spotted hyenas. Animal Behaviour, 85, 349-356. (pdf)
Benson-Amram, S., Holekamp, K.E. 2012. Innovative problem solving by wild spotted hyenas. Proceedings of the Royal Society: B, 279, 4087-4095 (pdf)